How to Get Rid of Fleas Naturally: 3 Easy Steps

A single flea can become a population of over 20,000 in as little as 60 days. In other words, once a flea problem grows into a full blown infestation, it can take considerable effort and time to get rid of. Thankfully, if you catch a flea issue early or take the steps to prevent one instead, it’s not a difficult process. Whether you’re currently struggling with fleas or worried you might in the near future, the below information has you covered.

To successfully get a flea population under control, you’ll need to address all flea sources—pets, your lawn, and home—in a short time frame. You’ll likely need to repeat this process at least twice to remove all life stages of the flea, including eggs. We strongly suggest avoiding chemical-based pesticides and traditional flea & tick products—these can cause serious harm to your pet, not to mention endanger your family. Here’s how to get rid of fleas naturally, without resorting to poisonous insecticides.

Protect Your Pet

Flea problems almost always originate with our pets. For this reason, anytime you and your pet are vulnerable to fleas—such as at dog parks, during walks, or exploring the outdoors—it’s smart to apply a non-toxic flea repellent like Paws & Claws to kill and repel fleas and their eggs. Because fleas & ticks can survive even during winter, we strongly suggest protecting your pet from fleas even as the weather cools.

FOR DOGS: Apply Paws & Claws before all outdoor activities. For basic flea & tick prevention, apply daily for outdoor dogs and every 2-3 days for indoor dogs.

For best results: Apply Paws & Claws all over your pup with a light spray, avoiding their head. Then, massage it into their coat—don’t forget to get in between their toes, around their ears, and tail. Spray Paws & Claws into your palms and use your hands to apply it to their face.

FOR CATS: Apply Paws & Claws once weekly or more as needed, especially before playing outside.

For best results: Simply spray Paws & Claws into your palms and massage it into their fur. Don’t forget to get in between their toes, around their ears, and tail.

Treat Your Home

If you’ve spotted a flea or two on your pet, more adults and eggs are likely in your home.

FOR INDOOR FLEA PREVENTION: Spray pet bedding and pet spaces (including carpeting and furniture) with Paws & Claws weekly, or more as needed. Don’t forget: applying Paws & Claws to your pets year-round is essential to prevention, too.

FOR SMALLER FLEA PROBLEMS: Spray affected rooms and pet spaces daily (including bedding, carpeting, furniture, pet clothing, etc). Vacuuming these areas daily can also help significantly. Just remember to throw away or thoroughly empty the bag after each use. Repeat this process as needed until you see improvement.

FOR LARGER FLEA PROBLEMS: In addition to spraying affected rooms and pet spaces daily, larger indoor flea populations often require you to fog your home. While fogging just the affected areas sometimes solves the problem, it often leaves hidden eggs and fleas in other rooms untouched. In these instances, your flea problem will return in just a few short days. For this reason and to save you time and money, we always suggest fogging your entire home instead.

To Fog: For best results, thoroughly declutter your home first, opening all cabinets, drawers, fold-out furniture, etc. As a rule of thumb, make your home look ready for an “open house” before fogging. Turn off central air, fans, gas-powered appliances, pilot lights, and all electronics. Remove all pets & plants, and cover televisions, pictures, paintings, and other valuables, too.

Then, fill the Tri-Jet Fogger with Ben's Evictor and begin fogging each room, starting with those farthest from your planned exit. After a room is full of fog, close the doors and move on to the next room. Once your entire home has been fogged, turn off the fogger, and exit your home for at least 3 hours. Be careful when you return, as the flooring could be slick. For best results, repeat this process, at least once, 6 days later.

If you have questions about fogging or need anything else, please give us a call at 210-599-0449 or email

Treat Your Lawn

As mentioned above, flea problems usually start with our pets. But where do they pick them up from? The answer is often your own backyard. And even if they picked them up elsewhere, the odds are there are now dozens, perhaps hundreds, of fleas and eggs embedded all throughout your lawn.

Because fleas can survive even in freezing temperatures, we strongly recommend treating your lawn with Natures Defender every month from February to November (including shrubbery and bases of trees). Stopping applications, even for a couple months, can have serious consequences. Just one flea left untreated can lead to a massive flea population in just a few weeks.

Because Natures Defender is both family and pet safe, you and your family can start enjoying your lawn immediately after application.

FOR PREVENTION: Spray your lawn monthly with Natures Defender to kill and repel fleas. Broadcast Cedar Granules throughout your yard every 6 weeks for additional protection against fleas and flea bites.

FOR ACTIVE FLEA PROBLEMS: Start by treating your yard with Natures Defender twice, two weeks apart, and then monthly after that. For ongoing flea issues, we strongly suggest applying Cedar Granules throughout your yard every 6 weeks.

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Whether you need step-by-step advice or aren’t sure which product is right for you, we’re here to help. Give us a call or email us for free expert advice. Look forward to chatting with you soon!

PHONE: 210-599-0449

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